
Thursday, February 23, 2012

First Day of Lent

I am a day late on getting this posted, but my husband was so sick yesterday that it just got put on the back burner!

How many people have asked you what you are giving up for Lent?  Typically when you hear the work Lent we think of the Catholic faith.  However, more and more churches are taking the 40 days of Lent to really meditate and fast as we lead up to Easter.  Last year I gave up sweets for Lent and it was hard at first because I LOVE York Peppermint Patties!  This year I thought about giving up a food, or facebook, or even TV, but then I heard someone on the radio talk about how instead of giving up something they are giving something everyday!  I then began to think – what can I give??  I finally decided that I am going to give of my time and write one letter to someone everyday!

This is not going to be an email or a facebook post, but rather the real deal.  A letter sent the old fashioned way by the post office.  My plan for this letter is to share my two words that I am focusing on for Lent (sorry not going to disclose in this post) and reflect on a verse from the Bible.  By writing a letter everyday for Lent it is going to allow me to spend time in the Word of God.  I am very excited for these next 40 days and all the people that will surprisingly be picking a letter out of their mailbox.

My first letter went out this morning and I sent the first one to nun other than my Grandma Sabin.  She has been such a strong role model for how to live a Godly life that I couldn’t of picked a better person! 

I would love to hear all the other amazing things that people are doing for Lent so leave a comment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i accidently commented as you. i signed in and widened your blog LOL... but anyway. I wanted to say that i love this post and was thinking of doing the exact same thing! HA
